目前分類:①捷克─布拉格Prague (21)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-07-22 Prague(21)~處處充滿驚奇的布拉格商店~It Is Full of Amazements in The Shops (318) (1)
2009-07-21 Prague(20)~華麗的聖尼古拉教堂~Kostel sv. Mikulase (3687) (1)
2009-07-19 Prague(19)~撿便宜的好地方─哈維爾市集~Havelska Market (3237) (28)
2009-07-19 Prague(18)~布拉格小區的巴黎鐵塔~Eiffel Tower in Prague (449) (3)
2009-07-17 Prague(17)~史特拉夫修道院~Strahovsky Klaster (142) (1)
2009-07-17 Prague(16)~冬天的查理大橋~Karluv Most (157) (0)
2009-07-16 Prague(15)~舊市政廳+天文鐘~Staroměstské Radnice+Astronomical Clock (64) (2)
2009-03-08 Prague(14)我在國家歌劇院睡著了~I Slept in State Opera (662) (6)
2009-03-05 Prague(13)捷克的瑰寶~Mucha (606) (1)
2009-02-27 Prague(12)布拉格的天空~The Sky of Prague (130) (8)
2009-02-26 Prague(11)親愛的!我把房子捏壞了~Dear, I Broke The House (36) (4)
2009-02-24 Prague(10)消失的佛羅倫斯巴士站~The Disappeared Florenc Bus Station (329) (1)
2009-02-22 Prague(9)躲在暗巷的郵局~A Post Office in A Dack Lane (240) (5)
2009-02-21 Prague(8)布拉格的夜晚~A Night of Prague (586) (7)
2009-02-19 Prague(7)布拉格城堡區~Castle Area (81) (6)
2009-02-19 Prague(6)聖喬治教堂VS聖喬治修道院~Basilica of St. Jiři (238) (3)
2009-02-15 Prague(5)不可錯過的聖維特大教堂~Don't Miss St.Vitus Cathedral (97) (5)
2009-02-14 Prague(4)尋找黃金巷~Looking for Gold Lane (60) (5)
2009-02-14 Prague(3)布拉格城堡區的黑店~ A Bad Restaurant in Prague Castle (85) (7)
2009-02-13 Prague(2)走在布拉格~Walking in Prague (41) (5)
2009-02-13 Prague(1)布拉格的住宿~Our Lodging in Prague (133) (7)