等我睡醒之後,我發現沒事做就打電話給Anne。(Anne也是來自台灣,她和我同一天到達艾德華) 我們約好要一起騎腳踏車去逛夏洛特鎮。
After I woke up and nothing to do, I called Anne who is a Taiwanese girl. Anne and I arrived at P.E.I. at the same day. We made an appointment to ride bicycle and take a sightseeing Charlottetown .
After Anne came to my home-stay, she told me that she felt very tired because it took 30 minutes to come here. Anne lived in down town and it took 5 minutes from her home-stay to school by bicycle. At that time, suddenly I knew my home-stay was very far from school. Besides, I needed to ride the bicycle across a big slope.
Anne invited me to her home-stay. Then, we rode the bicycle outside together.

教堂門口 An entrance of church
Anne’s home-stay is near this church.
When I saw her homestay, I was surprised again and fell of questions in my heart. Why could she live in the big and beautiful house? Did she pay more money to school? I wanted to change my homestay at once. This is my ideal homestay. There are wonderful parents, beautiful house, no pet, no child and parents will take me to sightseeing on the weekend.
This is a super big living room. You can see the stars through the ceiling.
今天是星期天,Anne的寄宿家庭父母早上會去教堂做禮拜,他們說下午會開車載我們出去玩。YA!好幸運啊!另外一件好事~因為爸爸知道我是清秀佳人迷,他說明天放學後就帶我去青翠莊園。多美好啊!(要開車三十分鐘) Today is Sunday. Anne’s homestay parents needed to go to the church. They told us that they would take us to sightseeing in this afternoon. Ya!We were so lucky. Another wonderful thing, because Rue knew I am Anne’s fan, he told me he will take me to “Anne of Green Gables” after school tomorrow. How wonderful!(It took 30 minutes by car.)
乾淨的廚房 Clean kitchen
我問Rue,如果要換寄宿家庭是我自己告訴寄宿家庭,還是由學校說呢?Rue說由學校說比較好。 Therefore, I asked Anne’s home-stay parents, ”Could I live with Anne? Even through we share the same room, I do not mind. Besides, I will pay the same money for you.” Anne’s home-stay parents were kind people. They promised me.

They are a different country marriage. Rue is a Canadian, and Nacy is a Filipino. Both of them serve for Government. Rue is a good father and husband. They have two sons. Their older son is married and moved to Category. Their young son was died by traffic accident. (This news was from Helen)
One time, we chatted about one of their son’s birthday and I were the same day. I did not ask them which son’s birthday?