Do you believe the lucky by which people are brought together?
I believe!I flew across the Pacific Ocean from Taiwan to P.E.I. for meeting Vivian.
I asked Vi that helped me to find a new home-stay. It took for a whole week. She still told me that she could not find it. Most of them were far from school. She even asked me went back to the first one. When I almost gave it up, it was happened. After we finished the activity, I usually stayed in school and did not go straight home on Friday.
At this time, Vi got a phone. Someone told Vi that she wanted to know how to be a home-stay and I just stood beside Vi. Suddenly, it just happened. Vi asked her,” We have an instant case. Could we visit you at once? ” After hanging up the phone, we appeared here in 20 minutes. I liked her. She liked me, too. Vivian signed a contract in 10 minutes. Therefore, I became the first student of her home-stay. The next morning, I moved here…
This is a high-level residential district that is near Victoria Park.
房子的大客廳~This is the big living room of the house.
Vivian 和我有著相同的嗜好,例如:
1. 我們都喜歡畫畫,房子裡有很多畫,有ㄧ些是她自己畫的。
2. 我們彈鋼琴,當我看到房子有鋼琴時,興奮得想馬上彈一首曲子。
3. 喜歡閱讀跟藝術有關係的書籍,事實上她是一個廣告設計師,另ㄧ方面,我的研究所修的是視覺傳達設計。
4. 我們都沒有結婚,我們討論過關於婚姻的話題,我們都喜歡自由勝過一切,我們寧願單身也不要嫁給一個錯誤的人。
5. 我們有相同的缺點--不很會做菜。我們第一次見面時,她問我:「你會做菜嗎?」我回答:「很抱歉,我不會耶!」她接著說:「我也是耶!」然後我們都笑了。有時候你可以看見我們呆呆的站在廚房,不知道該怎麼辦,也許只是想像如何做菜,然後Vivian會再翻開食譜...^_^
We have the same hobbies. For examples,
First, both of us like to paint. There are a lot of paints in this house. Some of the paints were painted by herself.
Second, we can play the piano. When I saw the piano in her house, I felt very excited. I wanted to play some songs at once.
Third, we like to read about art. In fact, she is an A.D. designer. On the other side, my major in Master is Vision Communicate Design.
Fourth, we did not marry. We have discussed about marriage. Both of us like freedom more than anything. We would rather be single than if we married a wrong person.
Fifth, we have the same disadvantages- cannot cook well. When we met at the first day, she asked me, “Are you good at cooking?” My answer was, ”Sorry, I am not. ” Then, she said,“ me either ”So that we laughed together. You could see us just like to be in a trance and stood in front of food sometimes but we have no idea. Maybe we just image how to cook the food. Then, Vivian will open the cookbook again.
房子的小客廳This is a samll living room of the house.
Vivian is a professional woman. She has a dog live with her. His name is Max.
Originally, I was afraid of dogs. I do not think that I could get along with dog. When I was a young child, my dog bit me. My hand got a big wound. It let my dread about dogs. Fortunately, Max is a good dog. He did not bite and bark at me. He is pretty smart. When I said, ”Sit down” , he will do it.
Thank God for giving me the chance to meet Vivian and Max.

陽台~The balcony
If I felt bored, sometimes I will take the pictures by myself.
陽台~The balcony
The yard of the house that is Max’s garden.
我的房間在地下室~My room is in the basement.
The quilt is a handcraft with many pieces of cloths on the bed. It was made by Vivian’s mother.
我的私人浴室~My personal bathroom
乾溼分明的浴室~The bathroom divides by dry and wet space
廚房~The kitchen
洗碗機~The dish washer
櫥櫃~The cupboard
When I saw ” Goodwill ” which was a name of street near this house, I knew good things will be happened.