如果留下多一秒鐘 可以減少明天想你的痛
我會願意放下所有 交換任何一絲絲可能的佔有
If I have one more second, I could decrease the pain of missing you.
I would like to give up everything, and change a bit of opportunity of possession.
幸福只剩一杯沙漏 眼睜睜看著一幕幕甜蜜
不會再有 原本 平凡無奇的擁有 到現在竟像是無助的奢求
Only a cup of blessedness is left in the sandglass.
I keep seeing the sweet scenes.
The originally ordinary possession will not be owned anymore.
Now, it becomes helpless luxury.
我已開始練習 開始慢慢著急 著急這世界沒有你
已經和眼淚說好不哭泣 但倒數計時的愛該怎麼繼續
I am starting to practice and to be gradually anxious for that if the world is without you.
I have made an appointment with tears, I will not cry.
However, how to continue the final-countdown love?
我天天練習 天天都會熟悉 在沒有你的城市裡
試著刪除每個兩人世界裡 那些曾經共同擁有的一切美好和回憶
I keep practicing every day and hope to become conversant with the city without you.
I tried to delete all of the wonderful memories that we have before in our world.
※愛是一萬公頃的森林 迷了路的卻是我和你
不是說好一起闖出去 怎能剩我一人回去 回去※
Love is a forest of ten thousand hectares.
However, you and I got lost.
We have promised to rush out together.
How could you go back by yourself and leave me alone ?
英被醫生宣判,腎功能喪失,只能再活三個月.....英的先生武,父親剛過世三個月,他聽聞妻子重病這晴天霹靂,一邊開車,一邊忍不住 流淚,他向老天乞求,願用他的生命及所有一切,換取她的健康。
武開始學習照顧他,並盡全力想讓她開心地過著每一天,所有其他的事,對他都不再有 意義,她已是他的一切。
她想去日本泡溫泉、想去Las Vegas看show、想去奧蘭多的迪士尼樂園…怕沒機會了…,只要她想去哪兒,就去哪兒。她說:「那會花很多錢,還有你的工作?」他回答:「我懂得如何再賺錢,可是我賺不回我們的時間。」
旅途中他無微不至的照顧她,按摩、打針、量血壓、餵藥,樣樣都自己來,每晚要看著 她睡著才敢睡,儘管再睡夢中也要留意她的呼吸,唯恐有一天….
因為大量服用藥物,英偶爾會夢遊,有一夜,在夢遊中突然一本正經望住他說:「我病 了以後,才知道我有多愛你,希望來世可以跟你在一起…」他無言以對,卻淚流滿面。
後來英得到換腎的機會,因為是大手術,醫生問她有沒有什麼話要交代,她說:「我短短人生經歷很多事,也很精采,我死亦無憾,只有捨不得一個人……」手術後,她奇蹟似 的活了下來。
「幸福」是一顆夢想的種子, 需要用「生命的熱情」去灌溉;「幸福」不是靠別人給的, 而是要認真抓住、用心選擇!
This catchy song has a moving story in its background. A husband couldn’t help crying when he heard that his wife only remained three months in her life. He couldn’t believe that his devoted wife will leave him. After his wife was sick, he found how important his wife is. Then, he begged to use his life and everything to change her health. He started to learn how to take care of his wife, and he did his best to let her happy everyday. Others were nothing for him, she was all he had.
Finally, his wife underwent a serious operation. Fortunately, she survived. The end of this story was good. However, not everyone was as lucky as her having a good ending. Therefore, we need to treasure our love. Don’t leave regret in the rest of our lives until losing our loved ones.
My favorite lyric in this song is “I am starting to practice and to be gradually anxious for that if the world is without you.” I always consider that no one could stay with me forever. One day someone leaves first, whether we should brave it. Maybe it is not like the lyric that you have time to practice leisurely. Now, you could image the situation. In case, you leave first, what do you want to leave? Chinese don’t like to discuss the theme of death, but it does exist. Therefore, I have a habit of writing a will, and have a concept of insurance. If I left first, my parents would not be bushed.