從家裡出發到艾德華的寄宿家庭,我ㄧ共花了36小時,ㄧ直重複著等飛機、搭飛機、等飛機、搭飛機、等飛機....這不是用一個「累」字可以形容的,要用兩個字形容「很累」,但是我ㄧ直都很興奮,也幾乎都沒有睡覺...(o(^- ^)o)
It took 36 hours from my house to homestay of PEI . I kept waiting and taking the airplane repeatedly. This is not only one word “Tired” which can describe this situation. It needs two words “Very Tired” to describe it, but I was still very excited and almost did not sleep.
溫哥華上空~The Sky of Vancouver
My first foreign friend, He is a Japanese dancing teacher.
He quitted his job and will travel to Canada for three months. Because he sat beside me, I could talk with him. It took more then ten hours on the airplane. It was very long time and really boring. I think it is a good idea for killing time that talked to each other.
Vancouver airport- It took about 11 hours from Taiwan to Vancouver.
溫哥華機場~Vancouver airport
Originally, I spent five hours for airplane transferred, but due to something wrongs happened on the airplane to the Montreal . I waited for extra one hour. Oh! My Goodness!
The food at restaurant in the Montreal airport
After arriving the Montreal airplane, I missed my next airplane that will fly to Charlottetown , so that I had to wait for next airplane more 5 hours. I have a suggestion, which do not book the last airplane because if you missed the airplane you will sleep in the airport.
The domestic line in Canada did not offer the meal on the airplane. In fact, I felt very hungry and almost faint. I found a restaurant that is the only one in the Montreal airport. That was my first time to order the meal in Canadian airport. It looked like very delicious. In fact, it was. Due to jet lag, I did not know what time it was. It was midnight snack time in Taiwan , but it was breakfast time in Montreal .
The food at restaurant in the Montreal airport
I stayed there from 10am until 3 pm, to tell the true, I could not laugh. It spent me more than 300 NT dollars. I was scared by the high living standard in Canada . Therefore, I understood that I did not bring enough money to come here.
It needed to pay the 15% tax for dining and the 10%~15% gratuities. Could I reject to pay the tips? Of course not, they will ask the tips by themselves. If you did not pay the tips, it was impolite.
蒙特羅機場的餐廳The restaurant in the Montreal airport
The Airplane to Prince Edward Island
Finally, I waited for the airplane, which to Prince Edward Island arrived. It touched my heart deeply. Although, it took a lot of time that I didn’t expect. I have already waited for past decade, so I did not mind about adding several hours. This is a small size airplane, which was the most exciting airplane that I have taken.
艾德華王子島的上空 The sky of P.E.I.
Charlottetown of Prince Edward Island