Dear Ray and Nancy~


When I knew that Miss Lin’s home-stay in PEI is you, I felt very surprised.


You are a perfect home-stay in my heart.


Even though we only got along for one week, I always think your kindness.


Ray, I miss the moment that we took a walk after dinner.


Nancy, I miss your smile.


I want to say “thank you” to you.


You made my dream come true~ "You took me to the Green Gables."


When I left PEI , I did not say goodbye with you…


I felt so sorry…….


I wish you health and happiness forever.

Pink 8.1.2009

Thank you, Nancy . I want to eat ice cream with you again.

You made my dream come true~
"You took me to the Green Gables.

Thank you, Ray.

I miss the moment that we took a walk after dinner.

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